Friday, April 19, 2013

What is non-standard auto insurance for high risk drivers?

Non-standard insurance is a class of insurance for drivers who have a less than perfect driving record. Someone with a bad driving record might not meet the standards required by an insurance company to qualify for a regular policy. In order to meet the state requirements of maintaining an insurance policy, a non-standard policy is issued to allow high risk drivers to carry insurance while still having a flexible plan.
There are several reasons why you may be required to maintain high risk insurance. The top three reasons are: if you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, an elderly driver over the age of 70, or the owner of a high-end/high performance vehicle.

Let's take a deeper look at each of these situations.

Driving Under the Influence
If you have lost your driver’s license because of a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, getting your driver’s license back and getting back on the road means you will have to buy and show proof of insurance. Acquiring non-standard insurance in the form of high risk or a SR22 are typically the options available.

With non-standard insurance you have the flexibility to choose the plan that best suits your needs, but one that also provides the coverage required by the state in which you live.

Age Related High Risk Insurance
Drivers aged 70 and over are typically considered by insurance companies to be a high risk. You are also considered to be a high risk if you are under the age of 20. There are several reasons why you may be considered high risk due to your age; you are not being penalized. As young drivers, you typically do not have the experience to show that you are a safe, careful driver. An elderly driver may be at risk of health problems that could interfere with your judgment or ability to be safe while on the road. With non-standard insurance, if it's a matter of age risk, you have choices in the policy you choose.

High Performance Vehicle
There are several reasons outside of your age and driving record that may require you to have non-standard insurance. For example if you own a high performance vehicle, such as a sports car or a custom designed vehicle, there are usually additional risks. The biggest factors are either the high cost of repair in case of an accident or the higher likelihood of being stolen or damaged.

You may also need non-standard insurance if you have a lapse in coverage or have previously filed excessive claims with your current or previous insurance company. If you have a bad driving record due to several citations, especially serious violations, you may need to look into obtaining a non-standard insurance policy as well.

If your driving record is spotty, you own a vehicle that may be considered a risk, or if you have any other questions or concerns regarding non-standard insurance, please feel free to call us at 877-596-2559 to get your free Arlington car insurance quote.