Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Insurance For Your Boat During The OffSeason

Even though the Texas weather barely reflects it, summer is coming to an end. School is back in session and everyone is getting back to the same old day-to-day activities that they get a break from for a few months out of every year. This means putting away the swimsuit, stashing the beach towels away and getting the boat covered up for the impending cooler months. For some reason, though, many people believe that they don’t need boat insurance simply because their vessel is in storage. Unfortunately, far too many individuals find out the hard way that this is simply inaccurate.

Is Year-Round Boat Insurance Necessary?

It’s first important to consider the fact that boating accidents are going to occur regardless of what month of the year it is. In fact, the percentage of people killed in boating accidents during September is the same percentage as in June. Many people would say, “But I don’t use my boat during the fall.” This is a good point, but completely irrelevant to boating insurance. As can be gathered by the following information, not having boat insurance during the fall and winter months is a mistake.

Off-the-Water Boating Mishaps

There is an abundance of things that can happen to boats off the water that can be detrimental to boat owners without insurance. Most vessel owners, for instance, don’t realize that there were 6,070 reported watercraft thefts in 2011 alone. Most of these thefts occur in states bordering an ocean, but every single state in the continental U.S. saw boat thefts that year.
While theft can be a huge issue with docked and stored boats during the months of fall, it’s definitely not the only danger. Mishaps such as flooding or fire, for instance, can completely destroy a vessel. Sadly, fellow humans present another danger due to the risk of vandalism. If any of these unfortunate events occurs when an individual doesn’t have boat insurance, they’re simply out of luck.

Can Injuries Still Occur?

Most people don’t realize it, but their boats can still lead to a lawsuit even if they’re docked. Accidents that happen around a boat, even if it isn’t on the water, could possibly create a liability issue for the owner of a vessel. Some people think that they avoid this potential issue by storing the boat at their home, which they think ensures the boat’s coverage on a homeowner’s policy, but this isn’t foolproof either. This is because even the most boat-friendly homeowner’s insurance policies usually only cover canoes and other smaller boats.
The simple fact is that boat insurance is an essential part of owning a vessel, and this holds true whether it’s in use or not. Boat owners without year-round insurance are putting themselves at risk for loss and, in some cases, even a lawsuit. Because of the dangers that boats and their owners face throughout the year, having boat insurance at all times is an absolute necessity.
Don’t leave your boat unprotected. Give Pickard Insurance Agency a call today at 877-596-2559 for a free quote on Arlington boat insurance.