Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Keeping Your Motorcyle Safe This Winter

Any serious biker knows that riding in the winter, even in many southern states, is entirely too bone-chilling to enjoy. But before you store your precious motorcycle for the winter, there are some cautionary steps you should take to prepare your bike for storage. The following list will ensure that your motorcycle will be ready to ride as soon as the weather grows warmer.
  • Storage location: The best place to store your motorcycle is inside in a heated space, like a garage or shed. Find a safe corner away from windows and sources of moisture where your bike can stay for a few months. If this is not an option, you can opt for a commercial storage facility with heat or a garage or shed with no heat. Avoid storing a bike outdoors.  
  • Wash and repair: Give your bike a good wash and wax to remove any contaminants that may cause corrosion.  Top off all fluids and lube the chain and cables. Perform any necessary repairs or routine maintenance as outlined in the owner’s manual.  
  • Tire care: Check the tire tread and replace them if needed. If not, inflate your tires to the maximum recommended pressure. Parking your bike on a sheet of plywood or atop wooden boards can help maintain the life of your tires.  
  • Oil change: Dirty oil can wear your engine down prematurely, so now is a good time to perform an oil change. Drain the old oil and refill the engine with an oil of the viscosity recommended in the owner’s manual. Double check to see if a different grade is needed during the winter.  
  • Fuel stabilizer: Add fuel stabilizer to your gas tank according to the instructions on the packaging. Start the engine and let the motorcycle run for a few minutes so the stabilizer can travel through the fuel system.    
  • Battery: Your battery can drain, even when not in use. You may choose to remove the battery and charge it during the winter. But an overcharged battery can cause just as many, if not more, problems than a dead battery. Invest in a battery minder and charger, which will cycle on and off to keep your battery in good condition.  
  • Cover: Avoid covering your motorcycle in a plastic tarp because they trap moisture. Instead, purchase a breathable cover designed to fit your bike model.
Even a stored bike should be insured. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at 877-596-2559 for more information on Dallas motorcycle insurance.