Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe During Holiday Meals

The kitchen is the heart of the home and this is especially true during the holiday season. If you're hosting a holiday meal, then your house will be especially busy with family, friends and lots of food. Use these tips to make sure your home and family stay safe, no matter how much commotion there is.
  1. Invest in a food thermometer. You want to make sure food is cooked to the point of being safe for consumption, but not overcooked so it loses flavor. Research ahead of time the temperature your ham, turkey and stuffing (if you put it in the bird) needs to be to assure no one feels ill the next day.
  2. Use your kitchen timer. There's so much going on during a holiday with people coming and going. Even if you think you can remember to take the rolls out in 10 minutes, something might happen to distract you. At the very least, you end up with burnt rolls and possibly a kitchen fire. But the simple act of setting a timer can prevent disaster.
  3. Keep an eye on young children. Whether the youngsters are visitors or your own children, it can be hard to keep an eye on them with so much going on. Knives or hot pots are in use and too accessible. It may be better to keep the kids out of the kitchen during this time.
  4. Clear everything away from the stove. Yes, your counter is getting cluttered with preparation supplies and family members might start setting down contributions to add to the clutter, but a towel, pot holder or packaging set too close to the stove could end up in flames.
  5. Know what to do in case of a fire. If it's a grease fire, smother it rather than attempting to extinguish it with water. It's probably best to invest in a multi-purpose (A-B-C) fire extinguisher and keep it handy in the kitchen at all times.
  6. Avoid contaminating food. Microwave sponges for two minutes after cleaning counters to kill lingering bacteria and don't use utensils for more than one purpose.
  7. Even though you're stuffed and don't feel like it, make sure food is put away right after dinner. Bacteria grows at an exponential rate after two hours of food sitting out.
During the holidays, the kitchen is the most popular and also the most dangerous room in the house. Use these tips to keep everyone safe, and have a happy holiday!
Keep your family safe from fire risks. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 460-0333 for more information on Arlington home insurance.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Keep Your Children Safe While Boating

Boats are fun for the whole family, including children. But kids may be too distracted by the fun to see that boating can be a dangerous hobby without proper safety rules. It's up to the adults to teach the kids about the importance of following safety rules, such as the following ten boating safety tips for kids.
  1. Explain the boating rules before leaving the dock. Make sure all children are listening and understand that safety comes first.
  2. Ensure that each child has a life jacket that fits comfortably. Ideally, children should wear life jackets at all times while on a boat.
  3. Everyone on board, especially kids, should wear plenty of sunscreen. Don't forget to reapply every hour! Make sure that if kids fall asleep, they are not in the sun (even if they're wearing sunscreen).
  4. Bring a change of clothes for each kid on board in case they get soaked or dirty.
  5. Keep plenty of bottled water on board for hydration. Sodas and juice do not hydrate the body like water does. Snacks are also welcomed treats.
  6. Be careful when opening and closing hatch covers because they can easily pinch little toes and fingers.
  7. Teach children how to operate the boat. While only licensed adults should drive, kids can help with other tasks that are essential for smooth sailing.
  8. Teach children how to use the GPS system. Navigation is something fun that kids can contribute to the outing.
  9. Prepare in advance for the possibility of seasickness. There are patches, medications and wristbands that are designed to help with symptoms. Keep these on board at all times.
  10. Keep a first aid kit on board, including items used to treat jellyfish stings. Teaching kids how to treat minor wounds is a good skill for them to learn.
For extra safety, get the right coverage. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington boat insurance.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Business Insurance Coverage Options

Whether you own a large company with hundreds of employees or you run a small business out of your home, you must protect yourself and your assets with business insurance. Below you'll learn about the various types of insurance policies available to business owners.

Property Insurance

This type of insurance covers the cost of damages to your office building and your office property inside the building. Types of business property covered may include computers, office furniture and business inventory. This policy covers damages caused by fire, smoke, theft or vandals.

General Liability Insurance

If a customer gets injured inside your building or on your property, general liability insurance will protect your business if a lawsuit is filed against you. This type of policy covers the cost of your lawyer fees and any damages awarded to the customer, including the medical bills due to the injury.

Commercial Auto Insurance

If you or your employees drive work trucks or vans, you must carry commercial auto insurance. This policy covers damages to your work vehicles in the event of an accident.

Worker's Compensation

This type of insurance pays the wages and medical costs for employees who are injured while at work. When you have this kind of insurance, an injured employee cannot sue you because of the injuries sustained on the job (with limited exceptions).

Business Owners Policy (BOP)

Many business owners choose to purchase a business owners policy, which is a bundled package of all the necessary insurance a business owner needs. Although BOP policies can vary due to each company's needs, they typically include property damage, liability and commercial automobile coverage. This is a popular option for business owners because they can save money when purchasing a bundled package.

Now that you know about the different types of business insurance, you'll be more informed when you purchase your policies. Your insurance agent can answer any questions you may have and offer recommendations on the amount of coverage you need for your business.

Protect your livelihood. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington business insurance.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

When is the Best Time to Buy Gas?

Even if you buy an inexpensive car to save money, gas prices can still break the bank. But did you know that filling up at certain times during the day and week may result in lower prices? Gas station managers might not want you to know that, but we're happy to share the information so you can save a few bucks.

Try filling up on Wednesdays. Oftentimes, gas stations will hike their prices beginning on Thursdays to take advantage of weekend travelers. Though this may not be true every single week, it is usually the case before a holiday weekend.

Whether you fill up on Wednesday or any other day, try doing so between 8 am and 10 am. Gas station managers often check the competition's prices in the morning and they're likely to raise their own prices between 10 am and noon if prices are trending upwards.

Apart from pumping gas at specific times, there are other ways to conserve gas and therefore save money. Try the following gas-saving tips:
  • Lighten the load by removing anything from your car that isn't necessary, such as an empty rooftop carrier or camping equipment that was used a few weeks ago.
  • Avoid sudden acceleration and deceleration; coast as much as possible.
  • Ensure that your tires are inflated to the correct air pressure.
  • Don't idle while parked. Turn off the ignition.
  • When driving under 60 mph, turn off the air conditioning and roll down the windows to preserve gas. When driving over 60 mph, roll the windows back up for improved aerodynamics.
  • Park in the shade when possible to limit gasoline evaporation.
  • Form a carpool with neighborhood parents or nearby coworkers.
Learn about how you can save on coverage. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington auto insurance.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Inspect Your Home For Free

Many contractors agree that every $1 you spend on home maintenance could save you $100 on future repairs. But it’s hard to perform maintenance on small issues if you don’t find out about them until they become bigger, more expensive issues. Because of this, you should inspect your home at least once each year to catch any areas that may need attention. The best part? You can complete the task yourself for free in a single afternoon.
Before getting started, put on sturdy shoes and gather a pair of work gloves, a ladder and a flashlight. The goal is simply to take a good, hard look at everything, which is not as simple as it sounds. It’s easy to miss potential problem areas if you’re not sure where to look. Try using the following list and add anything you wish to inspect.
  • Inspect the walls, floor to ceiling, for cracks, bubbling, signs of water damage etc.
  • Check faucets for drips or leaks
  • Inspect the attic for rotting trusses and ample insulation
  • Inspect the basement for rotting or soft floor joists
  • Scour wall faces, top to bottom, for signs of damage, including cracks in the foundation
  • Inspect paint for peeling or chipping
  • Check for gaps or cracks around doors and windows that may need resealing
  • Look for damage to shingles, including curling, blistering or missing shingles
  • Check for loose panels, leaks and any other damages
  • Take a peek at your gutters, which may need to be cleaned
If you find any problem areas, hire a professional to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible to keep your home in great shape. While this simple DIY home inspection is helpful to many homeowners, you may also want to hire a professional home inspector to complete a more thorough evaluation every five years or so.
The right coverage provides valuable protection. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (512) 454-4567 for more information on Arlington home insurance.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Technology with New Cyber Risks

More and more, businesses are finding it necessary to adopt new technologies to keep up with the evolving, highly competitive market. Websites, online shopping and social media have already become more popular than phone calls and in-person visits. But, whether your company uses minimal technology or completely relies on it for everyday operations, these new technologies present new risk factors.

What are these risks? Here are a few examples:
  • Hackers steal sensitive customer data (Think about the Target scandal a couple of months ago)
  • A severe storm causes a power surge that results in a loss of data
  • An employee accidentally leaves a work laptop at an airport and data is stolen
  • A fraudulent employee leaks data to external sources
  • Thieves steal computer equipment and the stolen data is not backed up
It may sound like this is the kind of stuff you see on the news and that it could never happen to your business—but it very well could! Approximately half of all businesses report up to five cyber risks that cause worry, while over a third of all businesses experience a data breach each year. You can minimize your risk by installing firewalls, consulting with an online security expert and backing up all data. However, some amount of risk will always be present.

Another great way to protect your business is to purchase cyber liability insurance, which offers financial compensation if you experience a data breach. Why would you need money to deal with a data breach? There are a variety of things you must do to “clean up” after such an incident. Some of those may include:
  • Replacing electronic equipment
  • Retrieving lost or stolen data
  • Creating safer online practices and installing new firewalls
  • Reimbursing customers for fraudulent charges
  • Providing identity theft protection services to customers at risk
  • Reputation damage control with PR services
Talk to an agent today to determine your unique cyber risks and find the coverage that’s right for your business. We’ll protect you from the unforeseen. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington business insurance.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

5 Safety Tips for Your Teen Driver

Teenagers take pride in their first driver’s license, flashing it around like a badge of honor and bragging to friends new behind-the-wheel privileges. But this is a troublesome time for many parents, who worry about their children’s safety. Teens enjoy showing off and they also carry a misguided sense of invincibility, which, when paired, can lead to dangerous road behavior. In fact, car crashes are the leading cause of death for drivers between ages 15 and 20.

As a parent, you are your child’s first driving teacher. It’s important to lead by example, following safety precautions and traffic laws at all times while on the road. The values you instill in your teenager can guide his or her actions on the road and teaching your teen to drive safely can prevent him or her from becoming another tragic statistic. Keep an open line of communication between you and your teen as you teach him or her the following road safety tips:
  • Buckle up: It’s been proven time and time again—seatbelts save lives. Every individual in the car should be buckled up. Also note that it’s not safe to pile more people into your car than you have seatbelts for.
  • Follow the law: Traffic laws were created to keep everyone safe. Obey speed limits, lights and signs. Speeding is the leading cause of teenage accidents and it can easily be prevented.
  • Prepare before driving: Get all of your gadgets situated before shifting into gear. Turn your music on, set you GPS and tuck away your phone. Playing with these devices distract your attention from the road, which could lead to dire consequences in as little as a few seconds.
  • Avoid cell phone usage: Never text, surf the web or play games on your cell phone while driving. Even taking or making phone calls can quadruple your risk of crashing. If you absolutely must take a call, use a hands-free headset. Avoid having emotional conversations that may distract your attention while behind the wheel. 
  • Always drive sober: Let’s face it—teenagers will party. Rather than telling them not to, explain the importance of choosing a designated driver. Your teen should never drive after drinking or using drugs, nor should he or she get in the car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Encourage your teen to call home, at any hour, if a dangerous situation arises.
Insuring your teen driver adds another layer of protection. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington auto insurance.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Home Owners Insurance: An Important Step in Buying a Home

When buying a house, a first-time home owner may not think about home owners insurance. They’re too busy worrying about finances, moving, and finding that perfect media room or kitchen. However, it’s good to remember that home owners insurance is an important aspect of investing in real estate—one that is often required with most lenders.

Home owners insurance is the best way to be sure that your house and the assets within are protected in case of an accident or natural disaster. Most policies are chosen during the final closing of your new home and most lenders require home owners insurance to protect the portion of the property that they own.

The first step to acquiring home owners insurance is to assess the value of your home and assets. This may involve creating an inventory list and/or taking pictures of your possessions, depending on your insurance company’s requirements. This allows you to determine the best category of insurance for optimal coverage.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as your agent assists your search for home owners insurance
  • Home owners insurance is divided into a variety of categories based upon the value of your assets
  • Many companies offer several types of coverage—learn where you fit in
  • Talk to your insurance agent to ensure you’re getting as much coverage as possible
  • Appropriate coverage will assure that you have little to no loss in case of accident or disaster
Buying a home is a big occasion. Protect your real estate and property investments with home owners insurance. Call your local insurance agent to learn more about your Arlington home insurance coverage options.