Wednesday, February 19, 2014

5 Safety Tips for Your Teen Driver

Teenagers take pride in their first driver’s license, flashing it around like a badge of honor and bragging to friends new behind-the-wheel privileges. But this is a troublesome time for many parents, who worry about their children’s safety. Teens enjoy showing off and they also carry a misguided sense of invincibility, which, when paired, can lead to dangerous road behavior. In fact, car crashes are the leading cause of death for drivers between ages 15 and 20.

As a parent, you are your child’s first driving teacher. It’s important to lead by example, following safety precautions and traffic laws at all times while on the road. The values you instill in your teenager can guide his or her actions on the road and teaching your teen to drive safely can prevent him or her from becoming another tragic statistic. Keep an open line of communication between you and your teen as you teach him or her the following road safety tips:
  • Buckle up: It’s been proven time and time again—seatbelts save lives. Every individual in the car should be buckled up. Also note that it’s not safe to pile more people into your car than you have seatbelts for.
  • Follow the law: Traffic laws were created to keep everyone safe. Obey speed limits, lights and signs. Speeding is the leading cause of teenage accidents and it can easily be prevented.
  • Prepare before driving: Get all of your gadgets situated before shifting into gear. Turn your music on, set you GPS and tuck away your phone. Playing with these devices distract your attention from the road, which could lead to dire consequences in as little as a few seconds.
  • Avoid cell phone usage: Never text, surf the web or play games on your cell phone while driving. Even taking or making phone calls can quadruple your risk of crashing. If you absolutely must take a call, use a hands-free headset. Avoid having emotional conversations that may distract your attention while behind the wheel. 
  • Always drive sober: Let’s face it—teenagers will party. Rather than telling them not to, explain the importance of choosing a designated driver. Your teen should never drive after drinking or using drugs, nor should he or she get in the car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Encourage your teen to call home, at any hour, if a dangerous situation arises.
Insuring your teen driver adds another layer of protection. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at (817) 461-4781 for more information on Arlington auto insurance.