Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Inspect Your Home For Free

Many contractors agree that every $1 you spend on home maintenance could save you $100 on future repairs. But it’s hard to perform maintenance on small issues if you don’t find out about them until they become bigger, more expensive issues. Because of this, you should inspect your home at least once each year to catch any areas that may need attention. The best part? You can complete the task yourself for free in a single afternoon.
Before getting started, put on sturdy shoes and gather a pair of work gloves, a ladder and a flashlight. The goal is simply to take a good, hard look at everything, which is not as simple as it sounds. It’s easy to miss potential problem areas if you’re not sure where to look. Try using the following list and add anything you wish to inspect.
  • Inspect the walls, floor to ceiling, for cracks, bubbling, signs of water damage etc.
  • Check faucets for drips or leaks
  • Inspect the attic for rotting trusses and ample insulation
  • Inspect the basement for rotting or soft floor joists
  • Scour wall faces, top to bottom, for signs of damage, including cracks in the foundation
  • Inspect paint for peeling or chipping
  • Check for gaps or cracks around doors and windows that may need resealing
  • Look for damage to shingles, including curling, blistering or missing shingles
  • Check for loose panels, leaks and any other damages
  • Take a peek at your gutters, which may need to be cleaned
If you find any problem areas, hire a professional to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible to keep your home in great shape. While this simple DIY home inspection is helpful to many homeowners, you may also want to hire a professional home inspector to complete a more thorough evaluation every five years or so.
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