Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Keeping Your Motorcyle Safe This Winter

Any serious biker knows that riding in the winter, even in many southern states, is entirely too bone-chilling to enjoy. But before you store your precious motorcycle for the winter, there are some cautionary steps you should take to prepare your bike for storage. The following list will ensure that your motorcycle will be ready to ride as soon as the weather grows warmer.
  • Storage location: The best place to store your motorcycle is inside in a heated space, like a garage or shed. Find a safe corner away from windows and sources of moisture where your bike can stay for a few months. If this is not an option, you can opt for a commercial storage facility with heat or a garage or shed with no heat. Avoid storing a bike outdoors.  
  • Wash and repair: Give your bike a good wash and wax to remove any contaminants that may cause corrosion.  Top off all fluids and lube the chain and cables. Perform any necessary repairs or routine maintenance as outlined in the owner’s manual.  
  • Tire care: Check the tire tread and replace them if needed. If not, inflate your tires to the maximum recommended pressure. Parking your bike on a sheet of plywood or atop wooden boards can help maintain the life of your tires.  
  • Oil change: Dirty oil can wear your engine down prematurely, so now is a good time to perform an oil change. Drain the old oil and refill the engine with an oil of the viscosity recommended in the owner’s manual. Double check to see if a different grade is needed during the winter.  
  • Fuel stabilizer: Add fuel stabilizer to your gas tank according to the instructions on the packaging. Start the engine and let the motorcycle run for a few minutes so the stabilizer can travel through the fuel system.    
  • Battery: Your battery can drain, even when not in use. You may choose to remove the battery and charge it during the winter. But an overcharged battery can cause just as many, if not more, problems than a dead battery. Invest in a battery minder and charger, which will cycle on and off to keep your battery in good condition.  
  • Cover: Avoid covering your motorcycle in a plastic tarp because they trap moisture. Instead, purchase a breathable cover designed to fit your bike model.
Even a stored bike should be insured. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at 877-596-2559 for more information on Dallas motorcycle insurance.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Keeping Thanksgiving Safe

Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many people, but it’s also the number one day for home cooking fires across America. It’s easy to lose track of what’s cooking when there are so many tasks involved in planning a holiday meal. However, safety should always be a top priority to ensure a happy holiday for everyone.

Cook With Care

The leading cause of kitchen fires is unattended cooking. When frying, grilling or broiling food, always remain in the kitchen. Feel free to complete other household tasks while simmering, roasting, baking or boiling, but remain in the house and listen for timers going off. Wear clothes that fit snugly, especially while cooking over the stove; dangling sleeves can easily catch fire.

Avoiding and Treating Burns

Use the back burners when possible and turn pan handles inward to reduce the risk of accidental tipping. Protecting your hands is a must when preparing for the holiday. Wear oven mitts or use potholders when handling hot objects.

If you do get burned, immediately submerge your skin in cool water for three to five minutes. If your clothes catch fire, take part in the good ‘ole stop, drop and roll. If any burns appear to be higher than a first degree burn, seek medical help as soon as possible.

To Fight or To Flee?

If you think you can safely fight a small fire, try some of these methods. Keep an oven mitt and pan lid nearby for smothering grease fires that ignite inside a pan. Simply don the oven mitt and slide the lid over the pan, then immediately turn off the burner. If a fire ignites in your oven or microwave, leave the door shut and turn off the appliance right away. Do not open the door until the fire is completely out.

If a fire appears too big to contain or extinguish, exit your home immediately. Close any doors behind you as you leave to prevent spreading. Alert everyone in the house to leave and call 911 on your way out.

The Dangers of Turkey Fryers

Turkey fryers are the biggest fire hazard one can face on Thanksgiving. These top-heavy fryers have a tendency to tip over, spill hot oil and overheat. These appliances should only be used outdoors in a well-ventilated area. Birds must be completely thawed and dried before being lowered slowly into the fryer. Cover your skin to protect against oil splatter. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and call 911 if a fire ignites.

A safe holiday is a happy holiday. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at 877-596-2559 for more information on Arlington home insurance.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Were You Hit By An Uninsured Driver?

Getting in a car accident is a frustrating experience. Many people immediately start thinking of the hassle of filing a claim and getting repairs done, not to mention any medical treatment that may be necessary. But if you get out of your car and realize that the other driver is uninsured, frustration can be tested to its limits.

What does this mean for you? You are within your rights to hire a qualified lawyer and sue the uninsured driver. However, most drivers who won’t pay for insurance don’t have many assets and you may not be able to recover damages even if you win the lawsuit. In many cases, each driver will pay for the damage to their own car. This means that you would pay your deductible and your insurance provider would cover the rest.

Another option is available for people who want to reduce the risk of accidents with uninsured motorists. You can add uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage to your auto policy for additional coverage. This protection applies to you, members of your family who live in your home, your children who reside elsewhere, passengers in your car and people who drive your car with permission. Be sure to check with your independent agent for the specifics of your policy.

Most states require drivers to purchase liability insurance, but many drivers cancel their policies or let it expire after registering their vehicle. Approximately one out of every seven drivers is uninsured, for a national total of about 14 percent. These numbers increase during a bad economy.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from uninsured motorists with extra coverage. Call Pickard Insurance Agency at 877-596-2559 for more information on Arlington auto insurance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Insurance For Your Boat During The OffSeason

Even though the Texas weather barely reflects it, summer is coming to an end. School is back in session and everyone is getting back to the same old day-to-day activities that they get a break from for a few months out of every year. This means putting away the swimsuit, stashing the beach towels away and getting the boat covered up for the impending cooler months. For some reason, though, many people believe that they don’t need boat insurance simply because their vessel is in storage. Unfortunately, far too many individuals find out the hard way that this is simply inaccurate.

Is Year-Round Boat Insurance Necessary?

It’s first important to consider the fact that boating accidents are going to occur regardless of what month of the year it is. In fact, the percentage of people killed in boating accidents during September is the same percentage as in June. Many people would say, “But I don’t use my boat during the fall.” This is a good point, but completely irrelevant to boating insurance. As can be gathered by the following information, not having boat insurance during the fall and winter months is a mistake.

Off-the-Water Boating Mishaps

There is an abundance of things that can happen to boats off the water that can be detrimental to boat owners without insurance. Most vessel owners, for instance, don’t realize that there were 6,070 reported watercraft thefts in 2011 alone. Most of these thefts occur in states bordering an ocean, but every single state in the continental U.S. saw boat thefts that year.
While theft can be a huge issue with docked and stored boats during the months of fall, it’s definitely not the only danger. Mishaps such as flooding or fire, for instance, can completely destroy a vessel. Sadly, fellow humans present another danger due to the risk of vandalism. If any of these unfortunate events occurs when an individual doesn’t have boat insurance, they’re simply out of luck.

Can Injuries Still Occur?

Most people don’t realize it, but their boats can still lead to a lawsuit even if they’re docked. Accidents that happen around a boat, even if it isn’t on the water, could possibly create a liability issue for the owner of a vessel. Some people think that they avoid this potential issue by storing the boat at their home, which they think ensures the boat’s coverage on a homeowner’s policy, but this isn’t foolproof either. This is because even the most boat-friendly homeowner’s insurance policies usually only cover canoes and other smaller boats.
The simple fact is that boat insurance is an essential part of owning a vessel, and this holds true whether it’s in use or not. Boat owners without year-round insurance are putting themselves at risk for loss and, in some cases, even a lawsuit. Because of the dangers that boats and their owners face throughout the year, having boat insurance at all times is an absolute necessity.
Don’t leave your boat unprotected. Give Pickard Insurance Agency a call today at 877-596-2559 for a free quote on Arlington boat insurance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shop and Compare Auto Insurance Quotes in Arlington

Using the Internet to get an insurance quote in Texas can save you a considerable amount of money on your car insurance. The method is an easy and fast one. Just submit your information using our online auto insurance rater, and our system will give you a quote within minutes. You can also get quotes from multiple insurance providers, enabling you to make side by side comparisons between them, all from the comfort of your own home.

The reason that a lot of people in Texas overpay on their insurance is they don’t shop around. Comparing auto, home and business insurance quotes will help you find the best rates and coverage. You can also start, save and complete the online application for car insurance whenever you want. This single application normally includes several quotes from various carriers, so you don’t have to be concerned with being charged for multiple quotes.

As an independent, we can shop your insurance for you, and give advice on the best coverage for your circumstances. Complete an online quote for Arlington car insurance today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Save on Your Teen's Car Insurance Rates

Have a new teen driver? Be prepared to pay rates that are through the roof. Insurance companies know that younger drivers get into more accidents than older, more experienced ones, and use that to their advantage when you are looking for teen driver rates.

Insurance companies might vary the rate depending on a few different things, one of which is their gender. Teen males have historically been more expensive to insure because they are seen as higher risk. Teen drivers between the age 16 and 19 are 4 times as likely to have a wreck compared to those over 19. Although insurance companies want your business, they also have to protect themselves.

Although teen insurance is expensive, there are 5 few things that can help reduce that rate that you are given:
  1. Maintaining a B or higher average grade in high school.
  2. Receiving certificates from safety courses.
  3. Bundling the policy with others.
  4. If your teen went to college 100 miles away without their vehicle.
  5. Raising your deductible
Keeping your record clean is another easy way to save money on your premiums. Something as small as not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign can result in a ticket and can raise your rates. Have discussions with your teen about these infractions and what they mean for the monthly premium. Similar to the original rates given, males tend to see a higher increase in premium per infraction than females.

It might seem like insurance companies are biased, but their numbers and research back up the rates. In order to keep the lowest rate for your teen go over what we listed out above. Remind them that their grades are more important than just getting into college, to abide by the laws and to buy in to their safety driving courses. It can save you money in the long run.

Contact us to discuss your teen's insurance policy at 877-596-2559 or go online to get an Arlington auto insurance quote.

Friday, June 21, 2013

5 tricks to save on your car insurance

Here are 5 tips to save on your auto insurance.

1. Go online. Many carriers will give you a discounted rate for online applications because it is an automated process and costs them much less to process your application. Discounts of 5% to 10% are pretty common. Pickard Insurance can help you with that, contact us.

2. Comparison shop. Let us shop around for you! As an independent agent, we have access to a many of the best carriers and can get you the best rates. Most insurance companies will simply add or subtract after each question they ask you to calculate your insurance premium. We will take your information as a whole and find the best rate for you.

3. Bundle. Don’t stop at auto insurance. Many carriers will give you a discount if you have more than one policy with them. Let us shop your home, renters, or any other products you might need! You can save a substantial amount of money every month and we can do this for you at no cost.

4. Pay all at once. Insurance policies, like loans, will make you pay interest if you make monthly payments instead of paying the premium in full. Some carriers will even give you a discount for paying your policy up front. Look at all of your options, including a small loan to cover the premium. It could save you money in the long run.

5. Add safety devices to your car. Insurance premiums can go up for a number of reasons. Theft of your vehicle or vehicle break in’s can escalate that cost. Make sure your car has an alarm at a minimum. If it doesn’t, consider getting one from a local electronics store.
Theft of and from your vehicle plays a major role in the calculation of your insurance premium. Having an alarm or immobilizer fitted will give you a small discount to your premium and having a tracker fitted could also help with savings.

Contact us to for more information on money saving tips, or get an online Arlington car insurance quote.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What are your car insurance coverage options?

It should be inevitable that you need car insurance. People are so dependent on their vehicles for day to day activities. Between home, work, school , and other errands, car insurance is the only thing that can protect you in the event of theft or accidents. Shop around for great rates to ensure you save on auto ensure and make sure you have all the right coverages for your needs.

Auto insurance provides coverage for property loss, medical expenses, and legal liability. Property coverage ensures damage to your car or theft of your car is paid for. Medical coverage will pay for the treatment of your injuries, rehabilitation, or for any lost wages and funeral expenses you may incur. Lastly, liability coverage pays for injury or property damage.

Read more on some of the more basic benefits included with car insurance policies.

Auto insurance includes a lot of coverages in basic policies, but there are other optional coverages you might one day find yourself needing. Whether you’re getting an Arlington auto insurance quote or renewing your policy, be sure to discuss with us what options best fit your needs at 817-460-0333. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

What is non-standard auto insurance for high risk drivers?

Non-standard insurance is a class of insurance for drivers who have a less than perfect driving record. Someone with a bad driving record might not meet the standards required by an insurance company to qualify for a regular policy. In order to meet the state requirements of maintaining an insurance policy, a non-standard policy is issued to allow high risk drivers to carry insurance while still having a flexible plan.
There are several reasons why you may be required to maintain high risk insurance. The top three reasons are: if you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, an elderly driver over the age of 70, or the owner of a high-end/high performance vehicle.

Let's take a deeper look at each of these situations.

Driving Under the Influence
If you have lost your driver’s license because of a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, getting your driver’s license back and getting back on the road means you will have to buy and show proof of insurance. Acquiring non-standard insurance in the form of high risk or a SR22 are typically the options available.

With non-standard insurance you have the flexibility to choose the plan that best suits your needs, but one that also provides the coverage required by the state in which you live.

Age Related High Risk Insurance
Drivers aged 70 and over are typically considered by insurance companies to be a high risk. You are also considered to be a high risk if you are under the age of 20. There are several reasons why you may be considered high risk due to your age; you are not being penalized. As young drivers, you typically do not have the experience to show that you are a safe, careful driver. An elderly driver may be at risk of health problems that could interfere with your judgment or ability to be safe while on the road. With non-standard insurance, if it's a matter of age risk, you have choices in the policy you choose.

High Performance Vehicle
There are several reasons outside of your age and driving record that may require you to have non-standard insurance. For example if you own a high performance vehicle, such as a sports car or a custom designed vehicle, there are usually additional risks. The biggest factors are either the high cost of repair in case of an accident or the higher likelihood of being stolen or damaged.

You may also need non-standard insurance if you have a lapse in coverage or have previously filed excessive claims with your current or previous insurance company. If you have a bad driving record due to several citations, especially serious violations, you may need to look into obtaining a non-standard insurance policy as well.

If your driving record is spotty, you own a vehicle that may be considered a risk, or if you have any other questions or concerns regarding non-standard insurance, please feel free to call us at 877-596-2559 to get your free Arlington car insurance quote.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Auto Insurance for Arlington, TX

Texas law requires people who drive in Texas to pay for the accidents they cause. Most drivers do this by buying automobile liability insurance.

Liability insurance pays to repair or replace the other driver’s car and pays other people’s medical expenses when you are at fault in an accident. It does not pay to repair or replace your car or for your injuries. Consider buying other types of coverage – such as personal injury protection or medical payments, collision, and comprehensive – to pay for these expenses.

Financial Responsibility

Most drivers buy liability insurance to meet the state’s financial responsibility law.  You must buy at least the minimum amount of coverage. The current minimum liability limits are $30,000 for each injured person, up to a total of $60,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage per accident. This basic coverage is called 30/60/25 coverage.

Because of car prices and the high cost of medical care, the minimum amounts might not be enough to pay all of the other driver’s costs if you’re in an accident. Other drivers could sue you to collect the difference. Consider buying more than the basic limits to protect yourself financially.

Breaking the Law

There are penalties for breaking the state’s financial responsibility law. A first conviction will result in a fine between $175 and $350. Additional convictions could result in fines of $350 to $1,000, suspension of your driver’s license, and impoundment of your car.
When you obtain an auto insurance policy, your insurance company will send you a proof-of-insurance card. You will need this card to prove that you have insurance when you
  • are asked for it by a law enforcement officer
  • have an accident
  • register your car or renew its registration
  • obtain or renew your driver’s license
  • get your car inspected.


TexasSure is a verification system that lets law enforcement and county tax officials determine whether you have auto liability insurance. Police can use TexasSure when they pull you over to check if the car you’re driving has insurance.

TexasSure is intended to reduce the number of uninsured vehicles in Texas. An estimated 4 million vehicles – one in five – on Texas roads are uninsured. TexasSure also helps prevent the use of counterfeit proof of insurance cards and helps stop people from getting insurance so that they can get their car inspected or registered, and then cancelling their insurance afterward.

For more information, visit the TexasSure website

Arlington, TX

Arlington is a city in Tarrant County, Texas (USA) within the Dallas–Fort Worth metropolitan area. According to the U. S Census Bureau's estimate, the city had a population of almost 374,000 at the end of 2011, making it the third largest municipality in the Metroplex. Arlington is the fiftieth most populous city in the United States of America and the seventh most populous city in the state of Texas; it is also the largest city in the state that is not a county seat.

Located approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of downtown Fort Worth and 20 miles (32 km) west of downtown Dallas, Arlington is home to the University of Texas at Arlington, a doctoral-granting institution, and a General Motors assembly plant. Additionally Arlington hosts the Texas Rangers' Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Cowboys Stadium, the International Bowling Campus (which houses the United States Bowling Congress, International Bowling Museum and the International Bowling Hall of Fame), the headquarters for American Mensa, and the theme parks Six Flags Over Texas (the original Six Flags) and Hurricane Harbor. The city borders Kennedale, Grand Prairie, Mansfield and Fort Worth, and surrounds the smaller communities of Dalworthington Gardens and Pantego. Arlington is the headquarters of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV.

Arlington is the largest city in the United States without a public transit system.

(Sources: and

Contact us today at (817) 460-0333 for an Arlington auto insurance quote.